onsdag 3 juli 2024

English pages

Here is some general information in English on the Sami people and the Sami parliament of Sweden.


Critical Raw Materials Act: Sweden and Finland violate EU agreements and obligations towards the Sami people 

Now the European Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) has been adopted by the EU. The act means a fast track for land exploitations and more mines. The law will lead to increased exploitation in Sápmi where the consequences of the CRMA and the designation of so-called strategic projects will have devastating consequences for the Sami people – for reindeer husbandry and all other traditional Sami livelihoods and Sami culture all over Sápmi. The Sami people and our culture is dependent on the land. The land carries our history and our future and is constantly shrinking.

The Sami Parliament has submitted its final opinion concerning a new mine in Gállok/Kallak

The Sami Parliament has on February 2, 2022 submitted its final opinion concerning a new mine in Gállok/Kallak. Not unexpectedly, the overall finding of The Sami Parliament is that reindeer husbandry in the area is the land use that in the most appropriate way promotes a long-term economy in an ecological, social and socio-economic perspective.


Sweden assigns a Truth Commission to investigate the abuses of the Same people by the Swedish State

The decision was taken by the Swedish government on 3 November, 2021.The Sami Parliament and Swedish government agree on the directive for a Truth Commission.


Contact Information Political leadership:

Håkan Jonsson

Chairman of the Board/President of the Sami Parliament
Phone: +46-70-372 10 10

Stefan Mikaelsson

Vice chairman of the Board

Phone: +46-70-223 34 62

For general questions about the Sami Parliament and the Sami people:

Marie Enoksson

Communications Officer and Web Editor
Phone: +46-980-780 42





© Sametinget 2024
Uppdaterad: 2023-12-15

Om Sametinget

Sametinget är både en statlig myndighet med förvaltningsuppgifter och ett folkvalt samiskt parlament med uppdraget att verka för en levande samisk kultur i Sverige.




Sametinget är en statlig myndighet under regeringen, med särskilt ansvar för språk, kultur och rennäring.

Det folkvalda organet

Det folkvalda parlamentet består av 31 ledamöter som träffas till plenum tre gånger per år. Styrelsen är ytterst ansvarig för Sametingets verksamhet.


Box 90

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Besöksadress: Adolf Hedinsvägen 58
Tel. 0980-780 30
E-post: kansli@sametinget.se
Org.nummer: 202100-4573

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Mån-Fre 08.30-12.00

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